School supplies are not being regulated for chemicals, toxins, and phthalates. With some school supplies being as high as 69x the federal limit set on children’s toys! Even low level exposure has proven to be harmful.
“The chemicals have been linked to birth defects, early puberty, infertility, asthma, ADHD, obesity and diabetes.”
“School supplies are supposed to help our children with their education, they shouldn’t be harming their health,” New York Sen. Charles Schumer said of the study’s results. “We don’t allow high levels of these toxic chemicals in children’s toys and we certainly shouldn’t allow them in back-to-school products. When kids take their lunch to school this fall, they shouldn’t be carrying it in a lunchbox laden with toxic chemicals.”
School supplies are not being regulated for chemicals, toxins, and phthalates. With some school supplies being as high as 69x the federal limit set on children’s toys! Even low level exposure has proven to be harmful.
“The chemicals have been linked to birth defects, early puberty, infertility, asthma, ADHD, obesity and diabetes.”
“School supplies are supposed to help our children with their education, they shouldn’t be harming their health,” New York Sen. Charles Schumer said of the study’s results. “We don’t allow high levels of these toxic chemicals in children’s toys and we certainly shouldn’t allow them in back-to-school products. When kids take their lunch to school this fall, they shouldn’t be carrying it in a lunchbox laden with toxic chemicals.”
For more information: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/study-finds-toxins-in-school-supplies/2/