December 2019 — Simply Sales with Alyssa and Sarah

5 Stocking Stuffers for Babies

Here are 5 stocking stuffers for babies! All of these products my son has played with almost everyday from approximately 6 months (and still does at 15 months!) 1. Green Toys Stacking CupsPerfect for stacking, water play, outdoor play. These stacking cups have held up to be thrown and knocked over. Better yet green toys is

6 Stocking Stuffers For Men

6 Stocking Stuffers for Men These ideas came straight from my Husband so they’re “man approved.” And perfect, now I have ideas for his! 😊 1. Golf Accessory Kit– $18 with clipped coupon 2.  Carhartt Cold Weather Boot Socks– $10.49 with price drop 3. Dude Wipes -$5.96 4. Shoe Shining Kit – $11.38 with coupon 5. Tile Mate – $12.99 with price