May 2019 — Simply Sales with Alyssa and Sarah

Summer Activities to Get Outside With Baby

So they say summer is coming…🤨 here are some fun activities to do outside with little babe! My favorite idea might be “go get a latte” 😆 From The Bump: “Fun Ways to Get Outdoors With Baby” A few more we would like to add our – Splash pads! Perfect for sensory play and cooling off

Pumping Bras: The Dairy Fairy

A friend told me about this company 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter.  I was looking for nursing bras that didn’t look like some weird form of bondage that were comfortable and supportive enough to wear all day. (Yeah.. not practical and definitely not for me) Here comes The Dairy Fairy. 

Toxic School Supplies

School supplies are not being regulated for chemicals, toxins, and phthalates. With some school supplies being as high as 69x the federal limit set on children’s toys! Even low level exposure has proven to be harmful. “The chemicals have been linked to birth defects, early puberty, infertility, asthma, ADHD, obesity and diabetes.” “School supplies are supposed

Feeding Our Littles

Feeding Our Littles (and ourselves!) Have you heard of the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”? And did you know they can change every year?! Each year the Environmental Working Group analyzes data to produce a list of fruits and veggies ranked by contaminants and pesiticides! These images show 2019’s results. Dirty Dozen: Fruits and

SnuggleMe Organic

Have you heard of the Snuggle Me? Both Sarah and I used these with our babies and loved them! Compared to the other “loungers” and the “doc a tot” this is hands down better quality. Perfect for newborn stage and on!     Have you ever shopped for “seconds” or “imperfects”? Usually these products have

Don’t Stand Me Up

All of those “baby containers” (jumpers, walkers, Bumbos, etc.) hinder baby’s development and are certainly not necessary. Save yourself some $$$ and skip them altogether. Here’s a great article on letting your child develop naturally and independent.

Farm to Table Meals

With all of the media reports of E-coli, Listeria and even PLASTIC in our grocery store foods, I feel like I get the question, “Where do you buy your meat, etc.?” often. The answer is: Michigan Farm to Family. Our family has ordered monthly from MI Farm2Fam for the past year and a half without


One of our little guy’s favorites! Baby, Let’s Eat! (en espanol, of course)But really these Indestructibles books ARE indestructible and easy to pack and bring with you anywhere. I love that they are washable too! (you can literally throw them in the washing machine!) Always a great price on Amazon

Kids in the Kitchen

We’ve been talking about getting kids to help in the kitchen. I think everyone can agree that it’s important for them to know where our food comes from and how it’s prepared. However, sometimes it’s difficult to really involve them in a meaningful way that is still safe. Here are two of our favorite items

What we’re about

Hi Mamas! This blog is meant for all things mama + baby. Whether you’re a future mom, trying to conceive, pregnant, a new mom, or an experienced mom- This blog is here to provide support, humor, and of course SAVINGS! For following our latest deals, discounts, and coupons check out our Facebook page and group: