Feeding Our Littles (and ourselves!)
Have you heard of the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”? And did you know they can change every year?!
Each year the Environmental Working Group analyzes data to produce a list of fruits and veggies ranked by contaminants and pesiticides! These images show 2019’s results.
Dirty Dozen: Fruits and vegetables that tested positive for a number of different pesiticides and show the highest concentration overall. These are produce items you should buy organic.
Strawberries are the DIRTIEST for the third year in a row (90% tested for at least 2 pesticides!) – really try to buy organic here, as it does make a difference!
Clean 15: Produce that tested with the lowest amount of pesiticides! With the cleanest award going to: the holy avocado! These are the produce items you can skip organic!
“But why should you be aware of pesticide residues on produce? Well, pesticides are bad news for your bones, because many are pro-oxidant, which means they produce free radicals in your body. And free radicals can trigger low-grade, chronic inflammation which causes bone loss!
Plus, pesticides have been linked to fertility issues in both men and women.”
Did any of these rankings surprise you?
Although many of these made sense to me- mushrooms surprised me with being on the clean list!
Check out this link for more info on how all the produce ranks in between, how to wash your fruits and veggies, and more info on pesiticides.