Maintaining Healthy Habits during the School Year| Simply Sales with Alyssa & Sarah

Summer life is wrapping up and the crazy school schedules are back in swing. Between sports practices, extracurriculars, curriculum nights/conferences and everything that goes with the back-to-school shenanigans, life can feel a bit crazy.
THEN comes the added stress of meal planning.
Making sure that the kids have healthy lunches for school and a somewhat impressive dinner on the table, can be daunting, believe me I know. Meal planning/prepping takes some effort but can definitely make life easier during the hustle and bustle of a busy school and extracurricular schedule.
Check out the muffin recipes below, you won’t be disappointed. You can do them as written (I use Level-1 Protein) or choose to omit the protein powder all together.
Need of more healthy recipe/snack ideas? Visit my Fit In The Mitt page for weekly “Tasty Tuesday” recipe ideas.
And for those younger kiddos that want to help, kids prep knives are a GREAT option to teach them the ropes.
Are you a stay-at-home mom, who now has a little extra time on your hands? (Haha, but I digress.)
Perfect, use that time to make yourself a priority. Get back into a workout routine, if you have fallen off over the summer with the kids at home. Or, if you already have a good routine in place, take advantage of the extra kid-free time to get your workout in. I love setting a good example for my kids and having them see me make fitness a priority. However, it is also nice to be able to do a workout once in a while, without kids fighting and running in front of your kettlebell midair!
Are you a working mom who now must figure out how you could possibly fit in a workout, with the crazy never-ending school schedules?
Well, if you have kids with sports practices like mine, they are typically an hour or two long. Tip: Bring a set of dumbbells to their practice. While you wait, use that time to get a little parking lot workout in. If that’s not your thing, take a walk around the neighborhood and get some more steps in for the day. Bonus: Fresh Air! Recruit another mom to join you. You never know, that mom might love the extra company and adult conversation too!
Additionally, if you are in need of a workout program, I CANNOT recommend Street Parking enough. This online program is perfect for any fitness level, with any amount of equipment (including no equipment!), no matter how short you are on time. Perfect for those parking lot workouts too!
I can help with that too! Since my son was born, I have been on a mission to make moms feel confident in their own skin and live their healthiest life possible (dads too of course!). I am an NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Nutrition Coach and I work with 1st Phorm as a Nutrition Advisor. If you want 1-1 nutrition coaching, head on over to 1st Phorm and add me as your advisor ( I would love to help you in your health/fitness journey.
While getting into a routine during “Back to School” is daunting, routine can also be nice. Use this time to not only keep your family fed and healthy, but to remember to make yourself a priority too!
Cheers to a happy/healthy school year!!
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