Clean living Archives — Simply Sales with Alyssa and Sarah

Shopping Guide for Clean Produce

Have you heard of the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”? And did you know they can change every year?! Each year the Environmental Working Group analyzes data to produce a list of fruits and veggies ranked by contaminants and pesticides! These images show 2020’s results. Dirty Dozen: Fruits and vegetables that tested positive for

How to Choose Products for Your Family

Have you heard the word “Greenwashing?” This term is coined as a deceptive marketing technique used to brand and describe products making them appear “green”, “natural”, “healthy”, or “safe”.  But in (a very sad) reality not only are these products unsafe but actually can be harmful to ourselves and our families. Many of these products

Pumping Bras: The Dairy Fairy

A friend told me about this company 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter.  I was looking for nursing bras that didn’t look like some weird form of bondage that were comfortable and supportive enough to wear all day. (Yeah.. not practical and definitely not for me) Here comes The Dairy Fairy. 

Toxic School Supplies

School supplies are not being regulated for chemicals, toxins, and phthalates. With some school supplies being as high as 69x the federal limit set on children’s toys! Even low level exposure has proven to be harmful. “The chemicals have been linked to birth defects, early puberty, infertility, asthma, ADHD, obesity and diabetes.” “School supplies are supposed

Feeding Our Littles

Feeding Our Littles (and ourselves!) Have you heard of the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15”? And did you know they can change every year?! Each year the Environmental Working Group analyzes data to produce a list of fruits and veggies ranked by contaminants and pesiticides! These images show 2019’s results. Dirty Dozen: Fruits and