When the cool air starts to part ways and the sun starts to shine this is the time to get spring cleaning your home.
Every year I carve out a week to dedicate time to make this happen. I write out a daily guide of what I am going to accomplish so I am not doing it all in one day. Let’s face it, if we want to see the results we have to put in the time. Each room I go from top to bottom, from dusting, washing the walls and doors, all the way to moving furniture around to get the dust bunnies out.
I’ll be sharing some of my most used products to accomplish my full clean and a Monday-Friday plan. It’s great to get this done before spring break so we can fully enjoy that time away and know that we’re coming back home to a fresh start to the season. I personally rather get these projects accomplished before hand since when the weather is nice we prefer to be outside spending time!
Duster: Work your way from ceiling, fans, and walls all the way to the bottom before wiping any surfaces down. Best to get rid of the dust beforehand.
Tide Powder Detergent: I learned from GO CLEAN CO. that mixing a tablespoon of Tide Powder in a bucket of HOT water will clean so many surfaces. I especially love this for washing my walls, baseboards and upholstery. For tough stains on carpet I like to create a paste with it, let it sit for a few minutes and come back to wash away and VOILA stain is gone!
Microfiber Cloths: Great for all surfaces. I tend to use these for walls, doors, upholstery, and wood.
Shark Vacuum: The boss of all vacuums. I have had mine for 8 years now, and with two kids and a pet at one time.. She is still going STRONG!
O-Cedar Spin Mop: I was told about this mop for so long and finally took the leap and got one for myself! Works amazing on my hardwood floors and tile. You can even use this with a nice clean mop head to wash your walls as well!
Bissell Steam Shot: A perfect handheld steamer that helps fight off gunk in your grout. It’s great for window tracks and getting into those impossible spots to clean.
Magic Erasers and Simple Scrubber: Magic erasers are a simple but super effective cleaning tool. The way it attacks soap scum and gunk is remarkable. Just be careful if using on a wall to get off marks, it will strip the paint if you are too rough with it. As well, something as simple as a fillable scrubber to keep handy for quick shower wall cleaning has changed my cleaning game.
–Method all purpose cleanser in lavender. Cleans perfectly and smells great all at once.
–Windex Can’t go wrong with the classic windex for a streak free shine. Mirrors, windows, and more.
–Scrubbing Bubbles is great to spray and let it set for a few in the bathroom sink, shower, and tub. It helps loosen up all the soap scum to make for an easier clean.
–Stainless Steel Wipes are easy to use and get you the perfect shine in no time!
Room Freshener Spray: Last but not least.. Mrs. Meyers Room freshener spray. Is it just me or does anyone else not feel complete until you spray some goodness into the air or light a candle? That’s tall tale signs of a room or area being complete!
Many of these must have Spring cleaning products are on sale but don’t miss our amazon shopping hacks blog to help you find even more deals! I hope this makes tackling your own spring cleaning easier. It’s nice to have a plan of what to accomplish. You will find you’re finished in no time and ready to enjoy your summer time!
Xoxo, Samantha