It’s been awhile since I’ve last posted so I thought I’d tell you what we have been playing with around here.
My little guy is just about 15 months now and that means he’s been walking all over the place for about 6 weeks. (And at some point during this time a chipped front tooth occurred… when? I haven’t the slightest.)
He loves carrying big items (“maximal effort” for you Montessorians ), pretending everything and anything is a cup, stacking and pretty much anything that is not “his.” But there are definitely a few toy standouts that are played with daily and keep his 15-month old attention.
As last year’s Christmas gift, Grimm’s Bowls have been a long time favorite! These have been played with daily from about 5 months on. They stack, they nest and lately double as “coffee cups” perfect for pretend sipping (FYI, the bowls are stained – not painted- with non-toxic watercolors.) I know because of their quality they have many more years to be played with.

Hape Pound & Tap Bench with Slide Out Xylophone
A lovely gift from one of his sister’s favorite nurses. Will loves matching the colors and pushing the balls through the holes to hear the xylophone play. He also takes the xylophone out and plays it with the mallet on its own.

EverEarth Jr. Ramp Racer
A garage sale find. Will’s Nana would have been proud. An easy 10 minutes can pass while Will races cars and clears “traffic jams.”

Fisher-Price Corn Popper
The more Will walks, the more the corn popper gets used. We love that Will enjoys such a classic toy.

Fisher-Price Wooden Toys, Surprise Inside Shapes Set
A surprise hit over in our home. This serves as purposeful “work” for Will as he sorts and matches up the colors and shapes. The circles also double as “cups” great for sipping.

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