2022 is over and all those gimmicky advertisements been to targeting us as we have entered the new year.
You all know what I am talking about. Those too good to be true diet plans. Well, that is most likely just it, it is too good to be true. If there was a magic pill to take and do all the work for you, chances are, one of us would have already discovered it. We tend to overcomplicate what we need to do and underestimate the work and time that it is going to require you to put in. Patience is not most of our strong suits. But you must be both patient and consistent to see the efforts start to show. Especially if you want to break the chain of being a serial dieter!
While we don’t necessarily need to make all these crazy unrealistic resolutions for the new year, the new year is a great time to reflect on the year that is coming to an end and make some goals for yourself moving forward. We should always be striving to become 1% better every day, and setting some goals is a great way to keep progressing forward.
This past year has been a big growing year for me. I changed jobs at the beginning of the year and went down to a part-time schedule. This was the best decision for our family, as it not only gave us a little better work-life balance, but also allowed me to have some extra time with the kiddos while they are still small.
Up until recently, I was working full time for the Army as a civilian and a drilling Navy Reservist. This left me very little time to spend with my family and that just wasn’t a sacrifice I was willing to continue to make. These changes, while great for the family life, didn’t come without some other sacrifices. We had to re-configure our budget and living expenses, as our income was not what it once was. But all things worth doing are often not easy!
This year I also decided to make changes in my personal nutrition journey. I was feeling a little stuck and knew that I could do better. After digging down deep and making some changes personally this past year, not only am I 20 pounds lighter, but I just feel so much better in every aspect of my life.
I feel more confident in my own skin, I finally love the person looking back at me in the mirror and I can pour so much more into my family. Not only did the change to a part-time work schedule give me an opportunity to spend more time with my family, but it also allowed me the flexibility to pursue my passion of nutrition and helping others become the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves.
Upon discovering an amazing company, 1st Phorm, where I was able to learn so much and improve my own health and fitness, I am now helping others do the same. Becoming a nutrition advisor with 1st Phorm this year has been one of the best adventures so far, and it is just getting started.
After the gym I co-owned closed in 2018, the thing I was the most bummed about, was not being able to be a part of my members health and fitness journeys anymore. This new adventure has given me a way to re-connect with so many of them and help them in their health journeys once again. I feel like I get to play an even bigger part now, because most of us know the struggle is usually not working out, but the nutrition and mindset component. I get to teach clients and provide them the tools that they need, so that they will be able to make decisions on their own, which is ultimately the goal. By teaching them the best way to fuel their bodies, they are seeing some huge changes. But as I mentioned earlier, it takes consistency, and it takes time. This is not a fad diet, or a quick fix. It is learning what your body needs, being consistent in executing day after day, and practicing patience.
If you want to start focusing more on your health, what are you willing to do to make that happen? Are you willing to put in the work to do things like plan out your workout schedule, plan some meals and meal prep? Are you willing to do the things that aren’t shiny and exciting, such as drinking 100-120oz of water per day? Are you going to consistently show up for yourself even on those mornings when it is easier to just stay in your warm bed?
If you are ready to make that change and put in the work, I am here to help. As your 1-1 advisor, not only will I provide you with weekly feedback, but I will teach you about nutrition and fitness and how to make both of those things work for you.
Come on over and let’s do this together. Go to: 1st Phorm, and add me as your advisor (Nicole.fitm@gmail.com).
I will also be running a “buddy challenge” with my Fit In The Mitt FB group. This is a great chance for you to have someone to help hold you accountable, while developing some healthy habits too! Head on over for details on how to register.
Make this the year that you prioritize yourself, so that you can pour even more into your loved ones! It might take a little sacrifice, but I promise it will be 100% worth it. Let’s make 2023 the best year yet! I would love to be a little part of that journey
Needs some tips to get you started? Read this blog: Keep things simple and get back to basics.